You Can Become a Best-Selling Author
May 12, 2022I’m going to talk to you today about a topic you may never have considered. That is why physicians should become a best-selling author. You might think to yourself, “Why on earth would I want to write a best-selling book?” Or, “Why would I want to go through all that trouble?” It sounds overwhelming. But the reality is, it’s one of the best ways to attract the type of clients you like working with the most. It’s also never been easier than it is today to become published. I should know because I’ve helped lots of physicians and lots of business people publish books. It’s helped launch their business to another level.
I want to talk to you a little bit about how it can help you as a physician. One of the first ways is that it helps you become a recognized expert in your field. You might think that you already are because you’ve published articles in journals. That is awesome but that’s really with your peers. That’s not necessarily where the public you want to serve are searching for physicians. They want to find people who can turn that information into something at their level that they can understand. Writing a book helps you to become a recognized expert in your field within your community. And it can even be used to attract patients from other areas if you’re interested in attracting people from other areas too. The bottom line is it helps you to become a recognized expert within your community for sure.
The second thing it does is it helps you to attract your ideal clients. The subject matter is dependent on what your specialty is and who you like to work with. Here are a few examples: if you are an orthopedic surgeon and you love working with athletes (college, high school), you could take your expertise and address it to the common concerns of those clientele. You could write a book about exactly how to care for them, how they care for their bodies, injuries, etc.… You could focus an entire book from a well-known orthopedic surgeon geared towards those athletes. I’ve done plenty of them for Bariatric surgeons. As a Bariatric surgeon you can write a book that talks about bariatric surgery and what patients should look for, what they should be doing before, during, and after surgery. You can help yourself become a recognized expert in your field. The book that you write can become your new business card for those that you want to serve. As a medical weight loss doctor you can take your expertise and turn it into a book that would be so valued by those that you want to serve.
Publishing a book has become very cost-effective, especially for the author of the book. I help people set up their books and attract clients. You can take all the education you teach to your clients and put it into a book. You can share it with your clients as they go through a surgery or a particular care process. So you can actually use it to streamline your patient education into a book and eventually you can develop it into an on-line membership site where they can access it. You can do podcasts so they can be listening to you while they’re out taking their walks.
So these are just a couple of the things you can do once you create a book. It’s really very exciting. If you have questions about that, or you need help getting started, there are a couple of different ways you can go about it. Number one is just determining what area you want to write your book about, getting the content down, putting it into book format, and uploaded. It all sounds confusing but it’s something that I help people with every day, whether they are business professionals or physicians. So if you need help with that, just let me know. It’s [email protected] I’d be happy to talk through that with you, help you get your message out there, and help you attract those clients that you really want, and also streamline your patient education materials. It’s never been easier. One of the other things we can do for a physician is I can help work with you and help get the information out, create the book, have them edit it, and help get it out there. It’s one of those things that will help bring you benefits for a long, long time down the road. Some will be from book sales, but more importantly to attract those clients that you want to work with.
I hope this has been helpful and hopefully inspirational. If I can be of any assistance please let me know. I look forward to seeing more books out there from physicians. In the meantime, have an awesome day and I hope you’re enjoying your practice and receiving plenty of patients that you like to work with the most!
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