58 - Why I Love the 10th of the Month and You Should Too

In this podcast, Karol shares why the 10th of each month is so exciting - it is the day that metrics from the previous month are due. Sound boring or overwhelming? Karol loves it because for the practice she manages as well as the many practices/programs she works with, metric reports come in and then interpretation begins. What can you celebrate? Where are there struggles? Then, what strategies can you put into place to improve your metrics. Karol also shares exactly what metrics need to be reported and why. Enjoy this short but impactful video and don't forget to share this with anyone who could benefit. And, if you want a free opportunity audit with Karol, you can schedule one via her website at https://www.WeightLossPracticeBuilder.com - it's only a conversation - one that can make a positive impact on you and your practice!